Source code for

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""WebTAG Parser - functionality for extracting from the Data Book.

This class parses the databook to a more convenient JSON format for
use by :py:class:`~.WebTagData`.

import argparse
import datetime
import json
from os import path
from sys import argv, stdout

import xlrd

[docs]class WebTagParser: """Class to handle access to a WebTAG Databook Excel file. The class is designed to operate as a context manager if needed. Where possible, the workbook is opened in ``on_demand`` mode, to avoid loading all worksheets at once. :py:meth:`extract_data` will load and unload the appropriate worksheets as required. Arguments: filename (``str``): The WebTAG Databook file to open. Attributes: book (``xlrd.Workbook``): The Excel workbook. date (``datetime.datetime``): The release date of the databook. filename (``str``): The name of the file to open. version (``str``): The version of the databook. """ BASE = ("User Parameters", 0, 11, "Price year") """Where to find the base year.""" CHECK = ("Cover", 2, 0, "WebTAG Databook") """Defines the check for a valid WebTAG workbook.""" DATE = ("Audit", 0, 2) """Where to locate the workbook date.""" LOCATIONS = {"discount_rate": ("A1.1.1", 24, 1, 3), "rail_diesel_price": ("A1.3.7", 27, 1, 5), "rail_electricity_price": ("A1.3.7", 27, 1, 7), "rail_fuel_duty": ("A1.3.7", 27, 1, 10), "gdp_growth": ("Annual Parameters", 30, 1, 5)} """Locations of defined data series for extraction.""" VERSION = ("Cover", 3, 0) """Where to locate the workbook version.""" def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename sht, row, col, val = self.CHECK err_msg = "Not a WebTAG Databook." try: = xlrd.open_workbook(filename, on_demand=True) sheet = except xlrd.XLRDError: raise IOError(err_msg) try: compare = sheet.cell(row, col).value except IndexError: raise IOError(err_msg) if compare != val: raise IOError(err_msg) self.version = self._extract_version(*self.VERSION) = self._extract_date(*self.DATE) self.base_year = self._extract_base_year(*self.BASE) def _extract_base_year(self, sheet_name, label_col, base_col, label): """Extract the base year from the appropriate worksheet. Arguments: sheet_name (``str``): The worksheet from which to extract the base year. label_col (``int``): The column in which to find the label. base_col (``int``): The column from which to extract the base year. label (``str``): The label to find in ``label_col``. Returns: ``int``: The base year for the data in the workbook. """ sheet = base_row = sheet.col_values(label_col).index(label) base = sheet.col_values(base_col)[base_row] return int(base) def _extract_date(self, sheet_name, version_col, date_col): """Extract the version's date from the appropriate worksheet. Expects that the date will be in the ``date_col`` on the same row as the version appears in ``version_col``. Arguments: date_col (``int``): The column from which to extract the date. sheet_name (``str``): The worksheet from which to extract the date. version_col (``int``): The column in which to find the version. Returns: ````: The release date of the workbook. """ sheet = date_row = sheet.col_values(version_col).index(self.version) date = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(sheet.col_values(date_col)[date_row], return*date[:3]) def _extract_version(self, sheet_name, row, col): """Extract the version from the appropriate worksheet. Arguments: sheet_name (``str``): The worksheet from which to extract the version. row (``int``): The row in which to find the version. col (``int``): The column in which to find the version. year. Returns: ``str``: The version of the workbook. """ sheet = version = sheet.cell(row, col).value return version def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args):
[docs] def close(self): """Release the :py:attr:`book` resources.""" self.__exit__()
[docs] def extract_all(self, verbose=False): """Extract all data from ``LOCATIONS`` and useful metadata. Arguments: verbose (``bool``, optional): Whether to report progress. Implemented primarily for :py:func:`cli` usage. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: dict: The data extracted from the :py:attr:`book`. """ data = {} for name in self.LOCATIONS: if verbose: print("Extracting {}".format(name)) data[name] = self.extract_named_data(name) if verbose: print("Extracting metadata") data["source"] = path.split(self.filename)[-1] data["released"] = str( data["version"] = self.version data["base_year"] = self.base_year return data
[docs] def extract_data(self, sheet_name, start_row, key_col, value_col): """Extract data from the specified worksheet. Assumes that cell ``A3`` contains the worksheet title and that cell ``A4`` contains the table name. Arguments: sheet_name (``str``): The name of the worksheet. start_row (``int``): The first row to extract data from. key_col (``int``): The column to extract keys from. value_col (``int``): The column to extract values from. Returns: dict: The extracted data """ sheet = labels = sheet.col_values(key_col)[start_row:] values = sheet.col_values(value_col)[start_row:] try: data = {int(k): v for k, v in zip(labels, values) if k} except ValueError: data = {k: v for k, v in zip(labels, values) if k} data["title"] = sheet.cell(2, 0).value data["table"] = sheet.cell(3, 0).value return data
[docs] def extract_named_data(self, name): """Extract a named data series from ``LOCATIONS``. Arguments: name (``str``): The name of the data series (must be in :py:attr:`Locations`). Returns: dict: The extracted data series. Raises: KeyError: If ``name`` is not in :py:attr:`Locations`. """ return self.extract_data(*self.LOCATIONS[name])
[docs]def parse_args(args): """Parse the arguments for :py:func:`cli`. Arguments: args (``list`` of ``str``): Arguments from command line. Returns: ``argparse.Namespace``: The parsed arguments. Raises: ArgumentError: If ``-v`` is supplied without ``-o``. """ description = "Convert a WebTAG Databook to JSON" arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) arg_parser.add_argument("file", help="file to parse") group1 = arg_parser.add_argument_group("Output to file", "Choose file rather than pipe.") group1.add_argument("-o", help="file to output to") group1.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="increase output verbosity") args_ = arg_parser.parse_args(args) if args_.o is None and args_.verbose: msg = "-v cannot be used without -o" arg_parser.error(msg) return args_
[docs]def cli(args): """Provide a CLI for the :py:class:`~.WebTagParser`. Will either output to a specified file (with optional verbose reporting) or dump the JSON data to ``stdout``. Arguments: args (``argparse.Namespace``): The parsed command line arguments. Raises: ValueError: If ``-v`` is supplied without ``-o``. """ print(args.file, args.o, args.verbose) if args.o is None and args.verbose: raise ValueError("Verbose mode not supported unless output file set.") if args.verbose: print("Reading from input file {}".format(args.file)) with WebTagParser(args.file) as parser: data = parser.extract_all(args.verbose) if args.verbose: print("Data extracted from input file") if args.o is not None: with open(args.o, "w") as outfile: if args.verbose: print("Writing to output file {}".format(args.o)) json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) else: stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
if __name__ == "__main__": cli(parse_args(argv[1:]))